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New Movers Lists

Our new movers list is the largest compilation of new movers available and is much more timely and comprehensive than any other new movers file. You can reach more prospects faster, while they are still furnishing their homes and buying other services and products. Our New Movers Lists can be precisely targeted and are extremely accurate. Guaranteed!

New Movers Lists
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Compiled from change of address records, new phone connections, magazines, credit card changes and other timely sources. Hotline data is updated every four weeks, with 12 months of information maintained.

Direct mail is powerful! But it is important to realize it needs to be an on-going process of continued mailings. Don't expect the world to come knocking just because you sent out 1,000 post cards inviting business. Just know that the millions of dollars spent each year in direct mail do what they are intended to do - bring in business. Some call it "junk mail" for a good reason. Much of it is discarded without a thought, because it may not interest the person who receives it at the time it arrives. But if they receive notice of your product or service when they need it, you will be surprised at the response you get. So plan carefully and design a great-looking mailing piece that completely describes what you offer and gives important contact information about how to reach you. You can learn a lot about what makes a good direct mailing piece by studying some of the mail you receive. Don't be afraid to "borrow" some of the great creative ideas others have used to get your attention on mail you have received.